Old Bust Head Brewing Company
Listed in Brewery
Short Description
Old Bust Head Brewing Company is a woman-owned, independent, solar-powered microbrewery in Fauquier County, Virginia, 40 miles west of DC, part of a unique farm called ‘Vint Hill’ that for 50 years operated as a top secret military listening post. We believe life should be both rich and sustainable. Geothermal heating and cooling of our taproom, CO2 recapture in our production facility, and a 100kw solar array are just a few of the ways we work to be kinder to the planet. By seeking out and sharing ways of living and operating sustainably, we hope to not only add richness to today, but to leave a place for those who come after us to live richly as well.
Listing Tags
Vint Hill
Contact Name
Julie Broaddus
Red Head Brewing
Listed in Brewery